Job search service


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Recruitika is an anonymous monitoring of job offers from IT companies.

Landing page on Tilda

June ‘21

Main page intro

Visit site


Create a separate landing page that will receive traffic from Facebook and other sources. The goal is to motivate candidates to create their own anonymous profile on Recruitika.


Prototype/ UI Design / Development on Tilda


The main thing in this project was to grab the user's attention, arouse interest in the service, and show the key features.

The structure is divided into 6 blocks, in which the following questions are answered sequentially: what kind of service is it, how to create a profile, benefits for both candidates and recruiters. For more effective communication with the user, the text is accompanied by simple outline illustrations.

home page part 1 home page part 2 home page part 3 home page part 4


Mobile screen 1 Mobile screen 2 Mobile screen 3

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