Online bar


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HVLV is an atmospheric music bar located at Podol area, Kyiv, where you can drink coctails, craft beer, work, listen to music, dance and chill out.

Online store

July ‘20

Main page intro


Create a site that tell about the bar, signature drinks, ivents and interest visitirs to come to them as well as make an online order of bar products.


Research / Prototype/ UI Design


The main goal is to combine the atmosphere of the bar and the e-commerce component as simply and efficiently as possible.

The structure was divided into logical blocks, allowing to answer all user questions. The first screen gives a clear view about the place and its location. Also, it introduces an assortment of drinks. It is possible to choose a drink according to the specified parameters.

HVLV home page part 1 HVLV home page part 2 HVLV home page part 3


The catalog is developed and well structured. A separate category includes drink constructors, which allows a customer to prepare a cocktail on his own from existing ingredients.

HVLV catalog mobile
HVLV catalog desktop

Product Card

The structure of the product card is implemented to concisely present all the information: large photos, short and detailed descriptions, video, correctly placed accents. Information about delivery and an ability to make comments are also implemented.

HVLV product card desktop part1 HVLV product card desktop part2
HVLV product card mobile
Checkout vector graphic


Checkout image 1 Checkout image 2
Checkout image 31 Checkout image 32
Checkout image 5

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